해외서버 호스팅

We sincerely thank all the customers who have visited JIGU IDC for overseas server hosting.

We are a specialized data center for overseas server hosting, operating servers in Japan, the United States, and South Korea. Our top priority is to provide stable server hosting services.

With over 10 years of expertise, our top security professionals provide 24/7 technical support, ensuring the best service and a robust network infrastructure. We promise to keep your servers safe.

You can entrust your servers to JIGU IDC and take a break.

We will always strive to provide the best server hosting services.

why choose us

Personal information protection

Customer information is protected through encryption to ensure the security of personal data.

Exclusive console provided

Remote access console provided allows customers to directly control the power of the server at any time.

Customized DDoS defense system

We provide DDoS defense services for all types of attacks coming through IPs, ensuring immediate defense.

Technical support service

Professional technicians with over 10 years of server management expertise provide tailored solutions optimized for your service.


We monitor the status of servers and networks daily to protect your valuable data.

Top Quality Network

It provides service without delay using the highest quality network with the least errors.

Unlimited bandwidth

There are no traffic restrictions on all dedicated servers, so reliable service is possible even for large-scale traffic.

24/7 Customer service

It is a 24/7 customer center that can respond to errors and provide services immediately.

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